“Find Peace” notebook
“Find Peace” notebook
Elegance and efficiency at the end of your pen with our “Find Peace” notebook from Feel Positive!
Here is FINALLY our Feel Positive notebook ! The perfect tool for writing down your thoughts, ideas and exercises Feel Positive communicated in the podcast ! Our notebook is made from materials of first quality in order to guarantee its durability and longevity.
Minimalist and positive
The notepad presents a practical format which fits easily into your bag or backpack, allowing you to take it with you everywhere. Whether you're in a meeting, at school or traveling, this notebook is the ideal companion for all your writing needs and to accompany you in your personal development.
The “Find Peace” notebook has a binding that allows it to lay flat, making it easy to write on both sides of the page, without creases.
We offer you our notebook with a note "Happy Place" or "Finding Peace".
You asked for it, so here it is! Look no further and ditch your old notebooks! Use our notebooks now Feel Positive to develop your Positive thought and finally see your personal development evolution.
Product Feature:
• Blankets with a soft-touch coating• Metal binding
• 140 dotted pages
Minimaliste & Positif
Le bloc-note présente un format pratique qui se glisse aisément dans ton sac ou ton sac à dos, ce qui te permet de l'emporter partout avec toi.
Que tu sois en réunion, à l'école ou en voyage, ce carnet est le compagnon idéal pour tous tes besoins d'écriture et pour t'accompagner dans ton développement personnel.
Le carnet de notes de Feel Positive est doté d'une reliure qui lui permet de se poser à plat, ce qui facilite l'écriture sur les deux faces de la page, sans pli.
- Couvertures avec un revêtement doux au toucher
- Reliure métallique
- 140 pages pointilléesShare
Prise en main facile
Lignes pointillées
Mon nouveau carnet de notes préféré ! Girly et épuré, dans un format très pratique est facile à transporter !!